- beautiful and exciting nightlife - Manitoba
Museum of Man and Nature - fine restaurants
- historic buildings
- Manitoba Legislature Building
outdoor theatres
- good traffic abilities
- beautiful and clean parks
- big casinos
Winnipeg is the biggest city of Canada, between Toronto and Calgary. It is Manitoba's capital city and at the geographical centre of North America. Winnipeg is clean, safe and affordable. In Winnipeg is for everybody something, for historic-loving people, or people who like culture there are lots of museums and historical buildings. For gambling-loving people there are big casinos and a beautiful nightlife. If you like the nature, there are beautiful and clean parks and the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature.
The Forks is an exceptional meeting place with thousands of
years of history. You can visit the Forks Market which has a variety of
cultural (and
normal) food and great cultural events around the year. About 60 percent of Manitoba (1 138 934 people) live in metropolitan Winnipeg the provincial capital. |